
Edentulous patients apply to our clinic very often. Treatment plans are prepared for them using the finest dental products. The latest technology is utilized in treatment plans, prepared by specialist dentists. In this way, the most accurate treatment can be customized in our clinic as soon as possible.

Dentures in Turkey

Average Accommodation in Turkey: 6-7 Days
Clinic Visits: 4-5 Times
Operation Duration: 40-50 Minutes
Anesthesia: Local

What is a Denture?
Dentures prostheses can be put on and taken off by the patient and are made by taking support from the teeth or surrounding tissues in case of missing teeth. There are 3 types of dentures: total, partial and implant-supported.

Total Dentures
They are applied when there are no teeth left in the mouth. Support is taken from the palate and surrounding tissues.

Partial Dentures
For patients with a large number of missing teeth, they are applied by taking support from both soft tissues and remaining teeth. It can be planned with hook or precision connection. The teeth on which the prosthesis is supported must be covered with a crown.

Implant Retained Over Dentures
Implants are supported to increase the stability of removable prostheses if excessive bone resorption is seen. Removable prostheses are used by being fixed to the implants.

To Whom Dentures Are Applied?
Dentures can be applied to people who have completely lost their teeth or who have a large number of missing teeth. If there are not enough supportive teeth for a fixed prosthesis, dentures are useful. New dentures help you to perform chewing activities again.

What Are the Benefits of Dentures?
Dentures are more economical than implants. The treatment period is shorter and they are easy to repair.

What Are the Disadvantages of Dentures?
Removable dentures are less comfortable than stabilized or fixed ones. These dentures must be removed and cleaned by the patient every day. At the same time, long-term use of removable dentures causes jawbone deterioration. Implants applied together with removable prostheses ensure the preservation of the existing jawbone.

How Dentures Must Be Cleaned?
Dentures should be removed and cleaned every day before going to bed. Cleaning of dentures is done by brushing under running water. Toothpaste is not used for cleaning because the abrasives in the toothpaste cause damage to the prosthesis. In addition, some brands of cleaner tablets are available. The dentures can be cleaned by keeping the prosthesis in a tablet thrown into a glass of water.

Lifespan of Dentures
Removable dentures can be used for many years when good care and hygiene are provided. However, over the years, the dentures may become loose and dislodged due to reasons such as losing weight or osteoporosis.

When Should Dentures Be Renewed?
There is no need to renew the dentures in a short time. However, bone resorption is observed when they are used for many years. Accordingly, complaints such as movement or loosening of the prosthesis may occur. In such a case, the denture may need to be renewed. When using the same prosthesis for a long time, abrasions may occur on the teeth in the prosthesis, too. Likewise, in such cases, prostheses may need to be renewed.

Is Denture Repair Possible?
The shape, size and location of the fracture are important. However, repair is usually possible in a laboratory setting.

How Long Will It take to Get Used to Using the Prosthesis?
It is normal to feel awkward when dentures are first placed in your mouth because a new object was placed in a toothless mouth for a long time. This complaint will relieve soon.

Do I Have to Wear Dentures at Night?
It is recommended to remove the dentures, especially at night. Denture should be removed and cleaned. Thus, the oral tissue is also rested.

Will I Have Difficulty Eating With Prosthesis?
You will not have any difficulties while eating with the prosthesis.

Does Prosthesis Change My Speech?
The prosthesis may occasionally prevent you from sounding some letters. It does not cause a pronounced speech disorder.

What is Metal Crochet, What is Precision Holder?
A metal crochet is a metal piece that wraps around the support teeth like a hook in partial dentures. It provides support for the prosthesis. There is no visible hook in the precision holding prosthesis. The connection between the prosthesis and the tooth is provided through a part like a key-lock system.

Do Metal Clasp Teeth Decay? Is Crowning Necessary?
Usually, the teeth that come from the crochet are prone to decay as food residue accumulates. Therefore, the crowning of the support teeth will prolong the life of the prosthesis.

How to Clean Removable Dentures?
Dentures should be removed and cleaned every day before going to bed. Cleaning of dentures is done by brushing under running water. Toothpaste is not used for cleaning because the abrasives in the toothpaste cause damage to the prosthesis. In addition, some brands of cleaner tablets are available. The dentures can be cleaned by keeping the prosthesis in a tablet thrown into a glass of water.
When Do I Need to Maintain for My Prostheses?
If they are made correctly can be used for a long time. Besides, over time, wear on the teeth may occur. In such cases, it is possible to change the teeth in the prosthesis.

Denture in Turkey
Removable denture is a frequently applied and economic treatment method for patients with multiple missing teeth. Today, implant-retained overdentures and fixed prostheses are more preferred.

Turkey Denture Prices in 2022
You can check the price section of our website for denture prices.
  • Acardent is an Authorised International Health Provider by Ministry of Health in Turkey.
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