Cosmetic Dentistry

Post Operative Instructions for Cosmetic Dentistry

What are the Complications of Cosmetic Dentistry?

After a cosmetic dentistry operation, these post-operative instructions should be carefully followed. These are the most common post-operative complications of cosmetic dentistry procedures.

Before you have your permanent prosthesis you firstly receive a temporary one made out of plastic-based material. This isn’t as hard material as a permanent prosthesis therefore you must pay utmost heed while brushing and eating. You have to brush the area gently and should not pull up on the tooth when flossing because it could dislodge easily. The same goes for eating. You are supposed to avoid sticky and chewy foods while you have temporary teeth in. Occasionally, these temporary restorations may come off in your mouth. If this occurs, call us and bring restorations with you so we can re-cement it. Don’t neglect using your prescribed medications in an orderly manner.

Please remember that it will take some time to get use to the feel of your bite although it is exactly the same as earlier. When the teeth are altered or the position is changed, it takes a couple of days to get used to the position, thickness and your new smile.

Don’t worry if your speech is affected in the very beginning. In the process of time, you are going to adapt and speak normally. In addition to this, you may experience increased salivation due to the treatment. This is relieved to normal in about a week.

It is normal to feel some hot and cold sensitivity after temporary or permanent prosthesis is cemented. The teeth require some time to recover after removal of tooth enamel and will be sensitive in this time interval. Your gums may also be sore for a while. Warm salt water gargle (one teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water) three times in a day will help to reduce pain and swelling.

Moreover, any food that can chip, crack or damage your natural tooth can do the same to your new restorations. Abstain from biting hard foods and substances such as peanut brittle, pistachio, ice, fingernails, pencils or sticky candies, etc. Smoking can cause stains and marks on your new restorations. As generally advised, minimize foods and beverages that stain your teeth like coffee, tea, red wine and berries.

Brushing and flossing your new dental work regularly are essential. Daily plaque removal by cleaning is critical for the long-term success of your new teeth, as are regular check-up appointments. Also, wear night guards if it is suggested before going to bed.

Eventually, if you feel an uneven bite position, have persistent pain, have any other questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.
  • Acardent is an Authorised International Health Provider by Ministry of Health in Turkey.
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